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BE part of Polo


Welcome To WA Polo

The WAPA is growing the sport of polo and is actively encouraging former

players to re-register and recruiting new players. Whether you have played polo before or not, whether you are a novice rider or highly capable, whether you are young or young at heart we would love to have you join our polo family. 

Horses have held a special place in the history of Australia carrying explorers and pioneers across the continent

and roaming vast farm properties with stockmen and drovers. Today tens of thousands of Australians ride for

pleasure including the fabulous sport of Polo. 


There is nothing like the feel of a willing horse thundering down the field with others in pursuit.

Enjoy Polo with us, join to ride or become a social member and immerse yourself in a family friendly relaxed

atmosphere at our many local tournaments.


be part of POLO 

Polo in WA is played at various levels. Contrary to belief that it is elitist, probably 50% of polo played in WA is at a fairly basic level. A basic level of polo requires one or two horses, a horse float, tack, polo mallets, boots and a helmet.


Player Registration

If you are interested in playing Polo and in registering as a member please visit our
'Register Now' page or click the 'More' button below.



Please see the list of WA Polo events by clicking the 'More' button below. If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our tournaments or you have ideas about creating new events, we would love to hear from you. 

A Passport to the World

Churchill once famously said, “A polo handicap is a passport to the world”


There is debate about where polo was first played, with some scholars saying it originated among the Iranian tribes sometime before Darius I and his cavalry forged the first great Persian Empire in the 6th Century BC. Persian literature
and art are full of rich accounts of polo in antiquity.

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